
"Beautiful, mysterious, wild and free!"

Whether you prefer to dive shipwrecks, swim with sea turtles, or gaze upon colorful corals, Curaçao has it all. The teeming underwater life is best enjoyed with great visibility, which is another bonus to diving Curaçao. Visibility is often a whopping 70 feet. To help you get started,

we have listed some beautiful dive spots.

Playa Kalki

next to Villa Westpunt

Playa Kalki is the house reef of GO WEST Diving and one of the top 10 dive and snorkel sites of Curaçao. This small cove, also known for its "Alice in wonderland" dive site, is popular for snorkeling and diving. The house reef is a wonderland of Parrotfish, Soldier fish, Tangs, Rays and more, and a fantastic dive spot for night dive. When visiting the island, make sure to visit!

Go West Diving

next to Villa Westpunt

GO WEST Diving Curacao is a PADI Resort, located at one of Curaçao’s best dive sites, Alice in Wonderland, right on the idyllic sandy beach of Playa Kalki in Westpunt. The dive center offers the full range of PADI courses, up to (Assistant) Instructor, quality equipment rental and an air filling station.


Probably the top dive site around Curacao, the name Watamula comes from the word “water mill” in dutch. The name refers to the two currents which meet here bringing together a wide range of marine species. The topography of this dive site is a fantastic playground for marine life and features extensive growths of soft corals, tunnels between hard corals, gorgonian sea fans catching nutrients from the currents, and a spectacular pillar collar. The currents mean this can be a fantastic dive destination for a drift dive.

What you will see

This dive site has an enormous range of healthy corals in a range of corals. There are soft, and hard coral growths covering the underwater landscape. The thriving reef is also teeming with schooling fish along with reef fish. Sea turtles cruise through the area

  • Best dive site around the island
  • Large amount of sea turtles
  • Enormous biodiversity and density of fish species
  • Healthy and thriving coral
  • Drift dive from a boat

Superior Producer

If you are an advanced diver who loves wrecks, then this is an absolute must do on your trip to curacao. The Superior Producer is the best wreck dive in the Caribbean and is at a depth of 100 ft (30m). The 200 ft cargo ship sunk in 1977 and now has become a beautiful artificial reef attracting marine life from the deep blue. Divers can enter the cargo holds and swim around the interior of the wreck. One of the high lights is the wheelhouse which is at a depth of 80 feet.

What you will see

Since the wreck has been sitting on the sand for almost fifty years it has grown a microcosm of reef life on top of it. The anemones and orange cup sponges have attracted invertebrates, reef fish, and the eerie silhouettes of barracudas can be seen hanging around the wreck itself.

  • A fantastic deep dive site
  • Cargo wreck from the year 1977
  • Abundant fish life circling around the wreck.


Tugboat is one of the most popular dive sites in Curacao, as it’s shallow and ideal for beginner divers and snorkelers alike. The small depth at which the sunk tugboat sinks, means divers can enjoy long dives and non-diving members of the travel team can catch glimpses of spectacular marine life. There is also a near by pier, which is worth stopping at since that is where many creatures hide.

Photo Gail Johnson

What you will see

In this shallow dive site, you will have the chance to spot a sea horse, octopus, scorpion fish and other masters of camouflage. There are also large schools of tarpon, pelagic fish, and shimmering schools of fusiliers.

  • Shallow dive site perfect for snorkelers
  • Artificial reef created on a sunken tugboat
  • Great array of macro marine life

Mushroom Forest

When you jump underwater in the mushroom forest, you will be met with an alien landscape as far as you can see. The great visibility, shallow depth, and warm water will just add to the fantastic view of the endless view of sprouting mushrooms. The coral structures around here are unique and resemble fungi, however, feature a wide array of colors and attract an abundance of fish life.

What you will see

Try and spot how many different types of coral you can see on this dive. Boulder coral, staghorn coral, soft sponge corals, and whip corals are just some of the easier identified growths. Reef fish are also plentiful here, as are turtles, and moray eels hiding in cracks and crevice’s in the complex coral reef structures.

  • Truly unique mushroom like topography of coral growth
  • Boat dive into easy dive conditions
  • The extensive coral reef coverage means you have to be careful about finning

Beacon Point

This is one of the dive sites that regularly has current, therefore it is better suited for advanced and experience divers. Its claim to fame however, is one of the largest pillar coral formations in the Caribbean. Pillar corals are found in the western Atlantic Ocean and resemble fingers or clusters of cigars growing straight up from the sea floor.

What you will see

The coral gardens are mostly spread out over the shallow section of the dive, however there are many drop offs along which you can cruise by. In the deep blue, there are many species of large jacks, groupers, and barracudas who swim here to hunt and chase smaller pelagic fish.

  • Large gardens of pillar coral
  • Frequent current so advanced certification is recommended
  • Fantastic spot attracting a myriad of fish

Directors Bay

This is a great dive site for divers and snorkelers alike, since its easily accessible from the shore and features stunning coral and marine life. If you are a macro photographer, this is definitely a spot to bring your camera and torches to see what critters you can capture with your lense.

Photo Gail Johnson

What you will see

This dive spot is famous for the large amount of frogfish, eels, flounders, sea horses, and octopus hiding among the coral reefs. The old shark fence has now been over grown with sponges, soft corals, and sea fans.

  • Shore dive ideal for beginners or snorkelers
  • Wide array of macrofauna
  • Old decaying shark fence overgrown with coral

Klein Curacao

The boat ride out to this dive site is roughly an hour and a half, as the reef is 15 miles off the coast of Southeast Curacao. The little Curacao, which is what ‘klein’ means, is an uninhabited island so the surrounding waters are pristinely clear. The dive site promises to deliver spectacular coral reefs, fantastic visibility, and incredible array of marine life. It is a tiny desolate volcanic rock which is encompassed by above water, and under water life!

What you will see

This isolated island attracts megafauna including the Mola mola also known as the sunfish, which is the heaviest bony fish in the world. There are also turtles cruising, and occasionally you will be able to spot a variety of shark species in the dark blue. A particular favorite at this dive site, are hammer heads sharks.

  • Isolated island with incredibly healthy and biodiverse reefs
  • Massive megafauna swimming all around
  • An hour a half long boat ride from the mainland